Your trauma doesn't define you. What if you could look back on those memories that haunt you & lose all emotions attached to that memory? Detaching from pain, turning pain into power and re-programming your mind to enjoy the beauty in life again...and it IS possible.
In this session, we will release all limiting beliefs from previous experiences, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Rapid Transformational Techniques to realign your conscious, subconscious and unconscious mindsets. Returning to ground zero and releasing all that no longer serves your highest intentions.
You will also have an Empowerment Hour, manifesting your future goals and invoking the emotive experience of euphoria, emanating THE manifestation of your desired goals in the future. It's the ULTIMATE timeline jump in a mindset shift!
And to reset your physical body, you will also recieve a 1hour deep remedial massage, clearing all knots, tension & stress away, leaving you relaxed, restored & rebalanced.
Are you ready for YOU time?
Let's go!